This is why I write

neglect2I recently attended a class where the speaker was someone in recovery, someone who had a hard life, and as a result treated her children harshly. Perhaps if she had started out with a better statement I would have had more empathy. Her opening words were. “My mother was an alcoholic, so of course I abused my kids, I NEVER HAD A CHANCE!”

Those few words have prompted me to start writing. I don’t believe that children of abuse and neglect “never have a chance”. I don’t believe in using ones upbringing as an excuse for failure. I believe every single person has a chance to have a  beautiful life, healthy relationships, success at work and at home. It takes work, in fact, much more work than it does for others but it can be done.

You make think I’m naive, That I don’t know what people go through or that I have no compassion. If that’s the case, let me assure you, You are wrong!I am an adult survivor of the foster system, I experienced unspeakable abuse and neglect at the hands of my mother, and worse at her boyfriends, when I was 8 years old I ran away to the police station and begged them to put me in foster care, They didn’t at first, instead they took me home where my mother put on a show for the caseworker and as soon as she left, pulled out pliers and threatened to pull my tongue out with them if I ever brought “pigs” to her house again. My mother was well versed in the art of cruelty, making me address her as your majesty, and she called me “slave-girl”. She pinned dirty underwear to my clothes and made me wear them to school.
The best I could hope for in my house was to be forgotten, and I hid under piles of laundry so she couldn’t find me and beat me. So at 8 I ran away and the second time, after the police took an inventory of my welts and bruises, I went to a foster-home. It was the 80’s a time when they didn’t want families to get attached so I moved 18 times in 9 years. I did not have a family. I did not have a lasting role model, some homes were not bad, others…..
In some homes people called me, the “N” word- Their own adult children were like the evil step-sisters, and I lived there to be unpaid help, In others I opened my package of socks, while the bio children opened rooms full of presents on Christmas day. Still  in others, they made prophecies about how by the age of 15 I’d have three kid’s and be on welfare. (Even though there was NO basis for the comment) My mother mercifully went to prison for selling drugs and then my brother who was a toddler, joined me for a few years on my journey.

I was never adopted, at age 18 I aged out I was able to finish school, and then I was quite literally on my own. My social worker gave enrolled my on food stamps, and my friend’s mother paid for my first months share of an apartment. And that was that.

20 years later I just celebrated being married to the best (normal) guy ever for 10 years. We have a lovely life with a charming and brilliant son, a comfortable home and no-evidence of the past I left behind.

This blog is for the FORGOTTEN Children, Those who have such a road to travel that thankfully others will never know. This blog is those who dare to hope that life can get better, for those who crave a “normal” life. It’s for those who want success at home, and in the wide wide world. My personal belief is that our lives have purpose. I think the reason I experienced the things I did in my childhood, is so that I can really help others, be it through adoption (we can’t have any more biological children), or through this blog. This blog will, I hope, be a little bit of the “mother” we didn’t have. I’ll share with you everything I know about how to succeed at life, I promise to be open, and speak with compassion, I promise to be honest with you even if it hurt’s. You will find on this blog, how to keep a house, how to dress in a way to command respect, land a job, attract the right kind of mate, I’ll share with you (though I’m still learning) who to budget, and the importance of setting goals. I want you to know, you don’t have to be a statistic, you can be happy, and have a great life! Whether you are 80 or 18, I want you to know, YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN!

11 thoughts on “This is why I write

  1. Even if you help one person your time and effort will be worth it. Who else is there to speak the often unspeakable? I yearn for deep and thought-provoking articles online. No doubt, you'll inspire and educate many! Feels like it's a good time to apply myself to blogging again 😉


  2. Thank you of being an inspiration to all of us! And thank you for pointing out how important it os for children to have consistent role models. I was not in foster care– but experience such severe neglect that I carry with me so many issues such as a lack of self worth, anxiety, and physical issues resulting from lack of medical care that I feel as though I couldn’t possibly have been raised by parents (birth or adopted). As a young adult I had no idea how to write a check, cook a meal, make and maintain strong friendships… let alone how to raise my children. But as you pointed out, no one needs to repeat the past. I did not ignore my children. I made sure they got a good education, medical care, dental care, etc. They are now young adults forging their own ways in society with, I hope, no remnants of my past to hold them back.


    1. Good for you Julie, that’s exactly my hope as I raise my son, and whoever else enters our family. I am so sorry that you or anyone has to experience such long lasting hurt as neglect! But so proud of the people who “rise above and make a better life for their children and themselves” you inspire me! My goal now that life has settled down a bit, is to pick up where I left off. I hope to build a community of survivors who can inspire one another to thrive!


  3. Love it that you are a survivor and do not hold a grudge or are bitter. Your desire to move forward and encourage anyone who wants to listen makes me smile as that is what this world needs♥


    1. thanks Joni, I agree the world needs more people concerned with living better on a deeper level. I’m glad my writing touched you. I put things on hold last year to start fostering kiddos, but am ready to start writing again.


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